Lyttelton Community House
December 5, 2022

It enables us to provide ongoing support services that directly assist the needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged members of our community who are aged over 65. As the only social service provider in Lyttelton, we are a vital part of our community and have no doubt that our support helps our local aged population to live in their own homes and improves their quality of life.

These are some statistics from last year –

  • We prepared and delivered 4,000 meals or food parcels
  • We had 2,000 participants in our drop-in space in LCH
  • We organized 49 community lunches and 12 coffee morning sessions
  • We arranged 4 visits to the kindergarten.

Last year we started a monthly programme for the elderly between 10am and 2pm; we have organised activities, games, music, and storytelling. We expect that up to 30 people attending each week, although the presence of omicron in our community has made some participants more cautious this year. The programme also includes a shared lunch, halfway through the session. This program helps us to build on the community support we already offer, and those who attend feel more connected to their local community. Your grant helps us achieve our organisation deliver our services and we are extremely grateful for the financial assistance you provide us with.

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